
Showing posts from April, 2017

Time enabled web app

Working with a collaborator who published a map service that showed the growth of US cities through time (from the year 1790 through 2000), I created an interactive time enabled web app. Here's a screenshot: You can explore the app right here: If however, you want to access the web app in it's own web page, go here: The web app includes widgets that let you enable time scaling as well as changing the underlying basemap.  Feel free to explore the web app and let me know what you think.

Restaurant Location Selector


3D Web Scene of Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Typhoons and Cities

Here's my very first 3D Web Scene that visualizes natural disasters and two cities (Portland and Montreal): A 3D Web Scene is Esri-speak for a 3D web map.  You can zoom and pan, re-orient, change basemaps, change the daylight settings, explore different views and do lots more.  Here's a screen shot of all typhoons represented on the 3D Web Scene: In this screenshot, typhoons are represented as cylinder symbols, with greater heights representing higher wind speeds and darker colors representing lower barometric pressures. If you don't want to leave my beautiful blog (I don't blame you), you can check out the embedded version of the 3D Web Scene right here: Check it out.  I'd love to know what you think!